Healthier SG (HSG) is one of our Nation's initiative to help Singaporeans take steps towards better health in our ageing population. As such, the prevalence of chronic diseases is expected to increase, and besides practising preventive medicine, we need to boost our primary healthcare capabilities to better manage all those individuals with underlying chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney diseases etc. Ultimately, we need to focus on better health and quality of life for everyone.
With Healthier SG, Singaporeans will have:
‣ A choice of your preferred family clinic
‣ A customised Health Plan to achieve your health goals
‣ Access to community programmes to stay active and healthy
‣ Access to greater subsidy for chronic disease management (subjected to specific terms and conditions)
Benefits of Healthier SG:
Enjoy free first Health Plan consultation at your enrolled clinic after successful enrolment on the HealthHub app or web portal
Receive 3,000 Healthpoints (worth $20) through the Healthy 365 app after completing your first Health Plan consultation
May enjoy fully-subsidised nationally-recommended vaccinations (ie Influenza and Pneumococcal) and Screen-For-Life basic health checks at your enrolled clinic
Enjoy up to 87.5% subsidy for selected chronic disease medication with no dollar cap based on CHAS status. Of note, the drug prices will comparable to polyclinics
Our clinic branches are already part of the existing Primary Care Network (PCN), and will be playing our part in the HSG programme.
Do not hesitate to consult our doctors to understand more about it. The enrollment of HSG has already began, and will be commencing in July 2023. All our Family Physicians at Kindred Family Clinics sincerely hope to be a part of your journey towards better health.
Feel free to check out the portal for more details:
Sign up with Kindred Family Clinics and let us be a part of your health journey today:

COVID-19 vaccination
COVID-19 vaccination protects individuals against severe disease, minimises the risk of transmission, and protects our healthcare system from being overwhelmed. It continues to remain key in keeping the disease under control, and significantly reduces the morbidity of our elderly and immunocompromised population.
Currently, vaccination is free under the National Vaccination Programme (NVP) for all Singaporean Citizens, Permanent Resident, Long Term Pass Holders and certain Short Term Pass holders.
Interested individuals (>=12 year old) may either walk-in or make an appointment for your PFIZER COVID-19 shots at our respective branches today.
Book your vaccine via the Health Appointment System portal: